City Cans Detailed Citizen Public Comments In Official Minutes 

White and Black Typewriter on White Table

New City policy may fail to “accurately capture the essence of the meeting”

It seems very ironic that the Beaufort City Council talks frequently about “transparency”, but can be so nonchalant in the preparation of its minutes.

And why do the City appointed boards and commissions keep more detailed minutes than the City Council? 

In past years, Beaufort City Council kept detailed minutes of what a Citizen had to say during public comment in a meeting.  Citizen input and public comments give background and substance to the discussion and votes taken.

Now, the City says it costs too much to put the public comments in writing.  Instead, you’re supposed to watch a Facebook recording of the meeting.

This disclaimer now appears on the City Council minutes:

“Disclaimer: This document is a summary. All City Council Work Session and Regular Meetings are recorded. Live stream can be found on the City’s website at (Agenda section). Audio recordings are available upon request by contacting the City Clerk, Traci Guldner at 843-525- 7024 or by email at”

An article in the June 2024 edition of Uptown, a publication by the Municipal Association of South Carolina asks, “How Should Minutes be Prepared?” The article answers that question, “The heart of the minutes-taking process is the responsibility to accurately capture the essence of the meeting. Minutes should provide a comprehensive yet concise summary that provides an understanding of the context and rationale behind decisions taken.  Errors or omissions can have significant consequences: misunderstandings, disputes or even legal challenges. The minutes become the official record of all actions taken and not taken, and can become highly relevant in lawsuits.”

The South Carolina Freedom of Information Act requires all public bodies to keep written minutes of all public meetings to include the substance of all matters proposed, discussed or decided… 

Our City Council can do better and should return to the long-standing policy and tradition of fully and accurately producing the minutes of its meetings.

To read the full Municipal Association article, go to this link:

3 thoughts on “City Cans Detailed Citizen Public Comments In Official Minutes ”

  1. Is it also true that if a citizen wants his/her comments included in the minutes that he/she must request they be included and a written copy of those comments be presented to the clerk at that time?

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