In response to the ongoing upheaval surrounding the City of Beaufort’s lease with Safe Harbor Marinas, a group of influential leaders has formed Protect Beaufort Foundation, Inc. This newly established non-profit organization is set to play a significant role in safeguarding Beaufort’s future.
Protect Beaufort Foundation’s Board of Directors reads like a who’s who of heavy hitters:
- Alan P. Dye – A part-time Beaufort resident and partner at Webster, Chamberlain & Bean LLC in Washington, DC, Dye specializes in tax-exempt and non-profit legal services.
- Catherine C. Scarborough – A Beaufort resident with a distinguished political career, Scarborough has served as a State Senator, a member of the SC House of Representatives, and the SE regional director of the National Health Screening Council.
- Graham B. Trask – A Beaufort based entrepreneur and local activist, Trask manages local businesses and commercial real estate.
- L. Paul Trask Jr. – Based in Beaufort, Trask manages commercial real estate.
- Wallace B. Scarborough – A former SC House of Representatives member and insurance executive.
- Will Cook – A Beaufort native and partner at Cultural Heritage Partners in Washington, DC, Cook is an attorney with a background in cultural preservation, having served as associate general counsel for the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
- Founder and Advisor: George Graham Trask – Beaufort native, Harvard educated lawyer, environmental activist, crusading journalist, and entrepreneur.
The formation of Protect Beaufort Foundation was mobilized by an overall sentiment that the City of Beaufort is being led in the wrong direction, and widespread concern over the city’s lease with Safe Harbor Marinas. However, the foundation’s mission extends far beyond this immediate issue. Protect Beaufort Foundation is positioned to address a broad range of challenges facing Beaufort, from growth management and environmental conservation to protecting the area’s historic character and open spaces.
Paul Trask told Beaufort Insider, “The Safe Harbor lease was a wake-up call, but we’re here to ensure that Beaufort’s future is not dictated by such poor decision making.”
With an impressive $100,000 in pledges already secured and more expected, Protect Beaufort Foundation is set to become a powerful advocate for the community. The foundation’s website,, will serve as a central hub for information and community engagement as they move forward with their mission.
As Beaufort continues to grow and evolve, Protect Beaufort Foundation stands ready to ensure that the city’s development is both responsible and sustainable, preserving the qualities that make Beaufort a beloved and unique place to live and visit.
Read Protect Beaufort Foundation’s full press release at this link.
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There has been alot of noise on both side over the last couple of years. We are, unfortuately living in a division of truths these day.
The list of members of the board in the much needed “Protect Beaufort Fondation” appears the be a well in-depth group of knowedgeable folks that can help guide Beaufort with its growth and developed on into the sustainable future.
Beaufort is a beautiful city and Growth is inevitable. We are in need of a comprehesive plan with controls for future growth & deveopment that the infrastructure can safety support handle. Controlled growth for the benifit of all is always better that personal benifits to a few.