The “Reimagine Ribaut Road” project, initiated by Beaufort County, aims to redesign a 5.5-mile stretch of Ribaut Road, a major artery connecting downtown Beaufort and the Town of Port Royal. The project is intended to improve traffic flow, increase pedestrian safety, and support future growth in the area. While officials from Port Royal and parts of the community have praised the plan’s potential to address congestion and enhance pedestrian access, the project has faced significant backlash from various directions.
When Beaufort County first proposed the project in 2023, they held public meetings to present the project and even launched a website to seek input: Plans and maps of the proposed project can be seen there.
The newest development is a public meeting being held this Friday, October 25, 2024 from 5:30-7:30 at TCL. The county promises “updated design alternatives”, updates on the project’s status, and opportunities to express thoughts and concerns. According to announcements about Friday’s meeting, the county has dropped the word “Reimagine” and is now simply calling the project “Ribaut Road Master Plan”. The county has included $75M for Ribaut Road in its proposed 2024 Transportation Sales and Use Tax Referendum which was a surprise to many after overwhelming negative reaction by the public in 2023.
One of the most contentious aspects of the original plan involves narrowing Ribaut Road from four lanes to two in certain areas, particularly near critical institutions like Beaufort Memorial Hospital. Many stakeholders, including hospital representatives, have expressed concern that reducing lanes could impede emergency response times, complicating access to the hospital for first responders. Many local residents have also voiced frustration, particularly with the idea of adding roundabouts and going from four lanes to two near the hospital and fire stations, which they believe could worsen traffic issues in critical areas.
Despite these concerns, proponents of the plan argue that the redesign could improve pedestrian safety and help manage traffic growth, which has surged in Port Royal. Former Port Royal Mayor Joe DeVito, for example, has championed the project, citing the town’s need for traffic solutions.
It seems that the blowback from the community has started even before the “Open House” is held. These are some of the comments on announcements about Friday’s event on Facebook:
Public input will be vital in determining what will ultimately happen with the Ribaut Road Master Plan. Beaufort County officials have reassured the public that the design is still flexible, with room for adjustments based on feedback during the final design process. The upcoming public meeting on Friday evening offers a chance for residents to see what the county is currently proposing and vote on their preferred plan.
IRT to Ruibaut Road. This is pure crazy. What pedestrian safety? Who walks on that road? There are sidewalks. I have lived here for 30 years and the pedestrian traffic safety issue is a joke. Nobody walks anymore! When the Woods bridge is broke… like last week. What will Lady’s Island do? Or the hospital? Who really wants this? Give us some names!
Please stop building up Beautiful Beaufort. All the new shopping centers, apartment buildings , dollar stores, auto parts stores and competing car washes are completely taking away from your beautiful little areas charm. Not too mention the overload you are putting on your basic necessities, like schools, fire, police, hospital, water etc.
If we wanted congestion and shopping big stores we would have settled in bluffton.
Hoping someone will realize the absolute historical value and low country charm of this gem of an area soon and stop developing every last inch of it.
Please invest in what we have and stop the development.
What are you going to do with all those empty stores in the Walmart shopping center? Going to be a horrible eyesore and ghost town soon.
Please protect and save Beautiful Beaufort.
This is a very bad idea and will lead to accidents and deaths.
Idiotic plan!
This is absolutely absurd, we changed from 2 lanes to 4 lanes to take care of traffic, now going back 2 lanes, there’s just too much traffic now. You have sidewalks on both sides of road and hardly anybody is using them.
Again no way, leave it like it is.
What a great idea! I would love to see Beaufort be a walkable town. I love the development!